"Wälder unter Druck - Herausforderungen durch den Klimawandel"
Woche der Artenvielfalt | 21st May | Darmstadt, Germany
"Paläoklimaforschung - Der Blick in die Vergangenheit"
LCOY 23 - Junge Klimakonferenz Deutschland | 6th Oct | Munich, Germany
"Unsere Wälder im Wandel"
Klima- und Umwelttage Darmstadt | 26th–27th Aug | Darmstadt, Germany
"Tree-ring stable isotopes report on German forest dieback"
TRACE conference | 24th–27th May | Erlangen, Germany
"Wald in Not - Klimageschichte, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen der aktuellen Entwicklungen auf unsere Wälder" – Invited
JGU Mainz | 27th Oct | Mainz, Germany
"Climate, ecology & trees – Tree-rings as environmental archive" – Invited
HENGSTBERGER SYMPOSIUM: Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison | 05th-07th July | Heidelberg, Germany
“Stories from tree-rings” – Invited (link to the recorded presentation)
Wolfson College Science Society, University of Cambridge | 30th April | Cambridge, UK (remotely)
Presentation for Lectureship – Invited
University of Cambridge | 11th May | Cambridge, UK (remotely)
“Imprints of volcanic degassing in tree rings”
TeMaS 1st Workshop | 20th-21st Nov | Bad Kreuznach, Germany
“Towards a robust millennium-length temperature reconstruction from tree rings in the European Alps”
AK Klima | 25th –27th Oct | Jesteburg, Germany
“Tree rings & Volcanos”
TeMaS Kickoff meeting | 27th June | Mainz, Germany
“Warfare dendrochronology – Trees as witnesses of the Tirpitz attacks”
TRACE conference | 7th–11th May | San Leucio - Caserta, Italy
“Warfare dendrochronology – Trees as witnesses of the Tirpitz attacks”
EGU General Assembly | 8th–13th Apr | Vienna, Austria
“Temperature covariance in tree-ring reconstructions and model simulations over the past Millennium”
AK Klima | 27th–29th Oct | Rauischholzhausen, Germany
“Mountain forest growth response to climate change in the Northern Limestone Alps”
DKG 2017 | 30th Sept–5th Oct | Tübingen, Germany
“Exploring tree age-related trends in d13C and d18O data from North Scandinavia over the last millennium”
EGU General Assembly | 23rd–28th Apr | Vienna, Austria
“Millennial-scale temperature coherence in proxy reconstructions and climate models”
TRACE conference | 12th–14th May | Białowieża, Poland
“How is drought affecting forest growth and how can stable isotopes contribute to answer this question?” – Invited
InterDrought SummerSchool | 7th–10th June | Mikulov, Czech Republic
“On the importance of forest composition for regular larch budmoth outbreaks”
TRACE conference | 20th–23rd May | Sevilla, Spain
“Uniform climate sensitivity in tree-ring stable isotopes across species and sites in a mid-latitude temperate forest” – Invited
Birmensdorfer Tree-Ring Lectures, WSL | 29th Jan | Birmensdorf, Switzerland
“Climate signals in stable isotopes from temperate forests: Species and site effects”
TRACE conference | 6th–10th May | Aviemore, United Kingdom
“Bergwälder im Klimawandel – Lebende Archive: Die Jahrbücher von mehr als 1000 Bäumen dendroökologisch aufbereitet”
“FowiTa” conference | 19th–22nd Sept | Freising, Germany
“Long-term growth pattern of Norway spruce in the Northern Limestone Alps”
TRACE conference | 9th–12th May | Potsdam, Germany